package; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import org.acm.seguin.refactor.RefactoringException; import org.acm.seguin.uml.refactor.ExtractMethodDialog; /** * Performs the extract method refactoring for visual cafe * *@author Chris Seguin */ class CafeExtractMethod extends ExtractMethodDialog implements ActionListener{ private SourceFile sourceFile; /** * Constructor for the CafeExtractMethod object */ public CafeExtractMethod() throws RefactoringException { super(null); } /** * Sets the StringInIDE attribute of the CafeExtractMethod object * *@param value The new StringInIDE value */ protected void setStringInIDE(String value) { if (sourceFile == null) { return; } sourceFile.setText(value); sourceFile = null; } /** * Gets the StringFromIDE attribute of the CafeExtractMethod object * *@return The StringFromIDE value */ protected String getStringFromIDE() { // Get the data from the window VisualCafe vc = VisualCafe.getVisualCafe(); if (vc == null) { return ""; } sourceFile = vc.getFrontmostSourceFile(); if (sourceFile == null) { return ""; } return sourceFile.getTextString(); } /** * Gets the SelectionFromIDE attribute of the CafeExtractMethod object * *@return The SelectionFromIDE value */ protected String getSelectionFromIDE() { if (sourceFile == null) { VisualCafe vc = VisualCafe.getVisualCafe(); if (vc == null) { return ""; } sourceFile = vc.getFrontmostSourceFile(); if (sourceFile == null) { return ""; } } Range range = sourceFile.getSelectionRange(); return sourceFile.getRangeTextString(range); } /** * What to do when someone selects the extract method refactoring * *@param e the button event */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { show(); } }